Index to ODNR Field Guides

The Ohio Department of Natural Resources publishes field guide pamphlets on a range of subjects. These paper booklets are about 7.5" x 5" in size, a little larger than a mobile phone.

These guides are unusual because they don't list species that aren't found or are very rare in Ohio.

Links to PDF versions are here and can be quickly loaded to a mobile phone or tablet on the trail, at a picnic bench, or at a campsite.

Common Lichens of Ohio

Spring Wildflowers of Ohio

Trees of Ohio


Amphibians of Ohio

Bees and Wasps

Birds of Ohio

Butterflies ans Skippers

Common Birds of Ohio

Common Spiders of Ohio

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Ohio

Freshwater Snails of Ohio

Mammals of Ohio

Millipedes of Ohio

Moths of Ohio

Owls of Ohio

Raptors of Ohio/dt>

Reptiles of Ohio

Sport Fish of Ohio

Stream Fishes of Ohio

Warblers of Ohio

Waterbrids of Ohio

Ohio's Geology in Core and Outcrop (35MB)
Pages are 8.5" x 11".

Ohio Wildliffe Field Guides and Backyard Wildlife Index
Type "Ohio" into the search window to see the complete index.

Last updated Apr 16, 2024